Our huge collection of runner rugs are perfect for hallways that get lots of traffic. Welcome guests in style by opting for a statement pattern or help protect your floor with a hard wearing option that is easy to clean. Our best selling designs now come in matching indoor mats to complete your entrance.

Abstract Circles Doormat

Abstract Circles

Boston Wool Border

Boston Wool Border

Boston Wool Border

Boston Wool Border Doormat

Camden Wool Blend

Camden Wool Blend

Camden Wool Blend

Chunky Jute

Chunky Jute Doormat

Diamond Weave

Geo Squares

Geo Squares Doormat

Juno Wool

Jute Border Dooormat

Jute Border Runner

Jute Indigo

Jute Indigo Doormat

Mila Traditional

Mila Traditional


Mirage Doormat

Mode Wool Doormat

Mode Wool

Pico Stripe

Regent Wool

Seattle Wool


Zumra Berber

Ultra Stripe

Soraya Traditional

Soraya Traditional

To order today ask an in-store
colleague or visit Dunelm.com